Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and includes the opinion of the author. Information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or disease. It is simply information found through experience and/or research. Always follow the directives of a licensed health professional. Neither Anita Bastian or the publisher of the information takes any responsibility for actions readers take in regards to how they use or perceive the information. Readers are encouraged to do their own research.

We have reached the final article in my four-part series under the heading, The Perfect Storm. We have talked about how our bodies are under attack physically, mentally, and emotionally by a storm of various toxins. Now we need to acknowledge and address the spiritual attacks we may face and better understand the need for nurturing our souls.  You may wonder, what this has to do with brain function. Why is the brain lady going to talk about this stuff?? One reason is that our faith has a huge impact on our state of emotional and mental well-being. We have learned how our emotional and mental state have a large impact on our health. I know from my personal journey how important my faith is. If you struggle to embrace the existence of the spiritual nature we have, I have a few things for you to consider.

Is knowing what is good or evil,  or knowing right from wrong determined by the emotional or mental aspect of our being?  Or at the heart of determining good and evil, is it more spiritual?  What about the feeling of awe we get when we see majestic features of the Earth at a national park or on a beautiful sunny day?  Strictly emotional?  Or spiritual?  Astronauts talk about looking down on Earth from outer space and being aware that there is a Divine creator.  The amazing complexity and organization of our earth’s natural features do not appear to have just happened by some “big bang.”  (That would take a lot of faith to believe.)  What about the evidence of the power of prayer in people’s lives, and unexplainable miracles (things that happen that defy all understanding)?  What about the strong sense of peace that people of faith have?  I just think it’s beneficial to consider all these questions.  If you still aren’t convinced there is a spiritual nature of our being, then you may want to stop reading now.  Maybe some day in the future you’ll be drawn to learn more about this.

If you are curious about nurturing your spiritual nature and about my perspective, I encourage you to read on.  If you haven’t read the previous parts of The Perfect Storm series you can read them here: Part I (physical toxins), Part II (emotional toxins), and Part III (mental toxins).

What are the spiritual attacks I eluded to earlier?  One is that many are afraid to talk about their faith or ask questions they have about God.  In a healthy environment this should not be happening.  People should feel safe to share their thoughts and beliefs, discuss their differences, and ask questions.  Yet most don’t feel safe; there is a spirit of threat or harm hindering our sense of security.  If we share our faith, we may be ridiculed, ostracized by friends, kicked out of the family, physically hurt, or even arrested.  These are obvious overt attacks that have been going on around the world for centuries. It takes courage to share our faith.

There are other more subtle assaults on our faith or our spiritual nature.  Think about all the marketing tactics that cause us to want more, to lust, to seek what we don’t have, to compare ourselves to others, or to get stuck in fear or anger over things we cannot control.  All of these are like arrows flying toward us, and in a split second they have had an impact on our being without us even knowing it.  The more we watch commercials, shows, the news, and social media etc. the more it can wreak havoc on our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being without us even realizing it.  We think it’s harmless, but it is definitely not.  Be careful little eyes and ears what you see and hear.

Consider all the violence (200,000 violent acts are seen by the average American youth before age 18).  That is over 30 acts of violence per day!  We may make light of it because “we know it’s not real, and we would never do that.”  Yet, multiple times a year there is evidence that people do sometimes commit crimes because of what they take in from the shows they watch or what they see on social media.  Even if people don’t act outwardly, they may inwardly wish to do bad things provoked by what they see or imitate what they have seen in the violent movies or quick clips.  Repeatedly consuming violence leads us to be desensitized to violence. I think we would agree that this is not healthy.  These truly are attacks on our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.  Yet we don’t realize it is happening.  We just get used to it.  Little by little our hearts can become hardened. We become less empathetic. We may start to place less value on human life.

These are just a few examples of assaults on our faith.  Violence, ridicule, cruel behavior, belittling, creating fear, and shaming people are toxic to our wellness in every aspect of our being.  I think it’s time we become more aware and acknowledge what damage these assaults can do over time.

There is a huge increase in anxiety, depression, violence, and self-harm.  We know that the foods we eat directly impact our health.  Certainly, what our eyes see and our ears hear impacts our well-being too.  So – how do we nurture our souls?

You may not agree with all that I am going to say on this topic and that’s okay.  It’s healthy to have different opinions.  That said, the beliefs I hold to be true come from the Bible.  A source of information that has stood the test of time.  It records lineage and historical events that go back around 1500 years, along with the sharing of the Gospel (Which is basically the record of what Jesus did for us and what this means for us.)  To my knowledge, no one has been able to disprove the Bible.  That alone says a lot given how many years it has been tested.  It has stood the test of time.

I have heard a number of people question the Bible, its translations, or what may seem to be inconsistencies.  Rightfully, so.  Verses may be taken out of context altering the original meaning or intent. There are some less accurate translations that can skew the intent or meaning of the original languages.  I would steer away from them to find the purest Scripture that remains true to the meaning of the original languages.  A respected Pastor that has had extensive training in the original languages of the Bible suggests the following translations for accuracy and ease of reading:  ESV (English Standard Version), EHV (Evangelical Heritage Version), and NIV (New International Version). If you ever have questions, I highly suggest you seek a Pastor trained in the original languages to help you out. They will add greater depth of understanding and help provide context for information.

Some people question certain things that are recorded especially in the Old Testament, that tell of the almighty power of God and acts that seem incomprehensible. I can understand why people would question some incidents that occurred. At these times I remind myself, I am not God. I know only a teeny-tiny fraction of what God knows and I leave it at that. We will never understand everything, nor are we expected to. That’s why it’s called faith. :) I seek to soak up the spiritual truths within the Bible and trust in God’s omniscience. It’s a gift to believe.

Ponder this—if you don’t believe in the Bible as truth, then how do you determine what is true?  Is there anything in the world that is absolutely true?   What guides your inner compass? Do you self-determine “absolute truth?” Is it safe to rely solely on your own understanding as absolute truth, or a belief developed from what others say or think is truth? For me, Scripture is an anchor that holds me firmly in place when the waves of the world come crashing in. Not having something you can trust as absolute truth is like building a house without a foundation. The house will not stand. Nor will we without a strong foundation of truth to guide us and give us peace.

Lastly, I realize not everyone is ready to read or discuss such information.  That too is A-Okay.  Again, read on if you feel so moved, hop off if you don’t.  Blessings to you either way.  I know how important my faith was in my healing journey, so I don’t want to neglect its importance.  My faith and spiritual growth kept me grounded during some very difficult times.  I trust that it will continue to help me persevere through the challenges ahead, and it will help you too.  God bless.


1.     Avoid watching shows or media with violence, sexual content, and subtle messages that stir unsettled feelings within us.  (If inappropriate content doesn’t stir unsettled feelings within you, you may need to get some help.)

2.     Enjoy time every day with a grateful heart, gazing at nature, and thanking God for the beauty of his creation.

3.     Be very intentional about how you spend your time and who you spend your time with.  (This includes family, friends, and virtually connecting.)  Choose to spend time with those that build you up in all aspects of your being.  Not just those who tell you what you want to hear, but those who genuinely love and care about you. 

4.     Be respectful of others.  Always honoring that we will have our differences and that’s okay.  In fact, it’s healthy.

5.     Don’t let social media or mainstream thinking guide your decisions.  Stay connected to the Source of your faith.  Seek guidance and discernment.

6.     Read, meditate, and pray on Scripture daily for at least 15-20 minutes.  I like to start and end my day this way.

7.     Fill your head with “good stuff.”  See the verses below for inspiration.

8.     Join my friend and I in this 30-day challenge.  Spend 15 quiet minutes each day for the next 30 days soaking in and pondering the love God has for you.  It has been shown to literally change the structure of brain for the better!  It will likely improve your mood too!

Some of my favorite passages that help me return to center or stay grounded are:

Philippians 4:7-8

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

2 Peter 3:17-18

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

When the world seems upside-down in its thinking, we need to stand firm and stay connected to what keeps us right-side-up.  The Truth.  Family and friends may fall into the pit.  We can pray for them and throw a lifeline, but should not join them in the pit. 

(Jesus said,) I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart- I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

If you don’t have a Bible, please let me know.  We will get you one.  Everyone needs a copy of what I believe is the best book ever! You will see how dearly you are loved. You can start to know how deep, how wide, how high, how great is the love of God. 😊

Blessings in your journey to wholisitic wellness,


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)