Mindset Musts - 5 Key Pillars

In everything we do, mindset matters.  No matter what you embark on, your actions start with thoughts.  If you want positive changes with your current state of health or with some area of your life, you need a positive mindset to see you through.

When it comes to taking back control of your wellness, you need to be fully committed.  I know from experience, that it can be a challenging journey.  It’s not a quick fix. But getting your health back is so worth it!  You can’t put a price tag on your health! 

I have been asked what I helped me achieve my elevated position of health.  This has led me to reflect and develop my 5 Pillars of Mindset for Detox Success.  I hope these pillars serve as a framework for you in your journey to greater wellness. 

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It starts with making a pledge or commitment to yourself for the sake of those who are counting on you.  For me, I knew there were more people like me who were silently suffering with brain fog, debilitating fatigue and other ongoing health issues that were keeping them from fully engaging with life and family too.  If I was going to help them, I needed to get well.  Knowing that others were counting on me, was my motivating why.  I felt like, “I’ve got to keep moving forward, so I can help others.”  This pushed me through many rough patches. When you dig deep and understand your why, you can grab onto it, and let it drive your commitment. You will want to refuse getting worse. This can be very motivating for your mindset.


Chronic health conditions don’t happen overnight.  Most have been battling them or just living with them for years, even decades.  So, it is going to require some patience to embrace the fact that getting better is going to take some time.  How much time?  Who knows.  Quite frankly, I am one who says who cares.  As long as I am moving in the right direction, I am getting better.  A little better every day.  Even though I may not feel better every single day, I know what I am doing is moving me forward to greater wellness.  The more cells I help get well, the better off I’ll be. 


As they say, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.  It truly takes the spirit of perseverance.  Buckle up. The road may be bumpy. There will likely be setbacks and times when you don’t feel so hot.  Push through.  Each time I made it through a tough segment, I felt like my wings had gotten a little stronger. Then I was ready to face the next challenge with greater resilience.  And the words of my dad, “Keep on Keepin’ on,” would cycle through my mind.  Quitting wasn’t an option.  Press on. Persevere.


For some this may seem out of place, but for me it was a huge help to praise God through the good and bad times.  Wallowing in a pit of woe never got anyone anywhere. (But stuck in the pit.)  I gained strength when I praised God and trusted that He would pull me or carry me through.  Like the poem, “Footprints in the Sand.”  I wasn’t alone, even though sometimes I felt alone, because no one can really know what it’s like. Each day I would look out (sometimes multiple times) for something to thank and praise God for.  The sun is shining.  A cardinal flew by.  A dear neighbor. Our dog.  A warm cozy blanket. The online training, I could do.  I also started to count and acknowledge my wins.  I only took two naps today.  Praise the Lord.  I went for a walk.  Thank you, Jesus.  Doing this shifted my focus to the positive things I was doing, instead of what I wasn’t.  Because it naturally felt good to count wins, I started mentally racking them up until I was feeling pretty doggone good.

PILLAR 5 – PROGRESS, not perfection

I had to totally throw the “I don’t think I can… “out the window.  I don’t think I can give up my dark chocolate.  Maybe for you it’s your coffee, donuts, or other junk food.  Here’s the deal.  I didn’t have to give these things up.  Neither do you.  I used to be paralyzed because I thought if I couldn’t do it perfectly then why do it.  But as I became more committed to getting well, it became easier to say no to these things that would sabotage my success.  When we feel better, we want to and can do better. We don’t have to do it perfectly, just keep moving forward giving  ourselves grace as we try to do a little better every day.  You will start to notice how much better you feel and want to keep improving at the pace that works for you.

FOUDATION: When it comes to truly detoxing, all of these pillars work best when built on a solid foundation of support and expertise.  I would not advise embarking on a true detox journey without someone trained in safely supporting the body during detox.  You could make things worse for yourself.  Finding the right practitioner can make the challenging more doable.  The journey more enjoyable.  And the celebrations more joyful!  Book a Discovery Call to learn more.  *Note: Always check with your professional health care provider before starting a detox program.


SPRINKLE IN HUMOR.  Keeping your sense of humor and wonder are a must.  We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves.  Find joy in the simple things like the roof over your head.  The clothes you get to wash.  The sunshine or the rain.  The dog destroying one of your socks – again. 😊 If you don’t feel like laughing and you’re feeling rather flat emotionally, reach out.  There’s likely an underlying cause that when addressed,  you can get your joy for life back.  Schedule a Discovery Call


This is your journey.  God has given you many blessings and there will be many challenges.  Lean into God and trust the process.  When you draw on your faith, your power increases exponentially.   Buckle up and seek to enjoy the ride.  When I struggle or feel bogged down, I am reminded to keep my eyes on the prize.  As a believer, I know where this journey leads.  I rejoice; and keep on keepin’ on.  There are people counting on me.  There are people counting on you too! 

A little better everyday. Progress, not perfection. With God all things are possible. (excerpt from Matthew 19:26) I can’t wait for you to experience the joy of genuine wellness!