Cognitive Decline

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and includes the opinion of the author. Information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or disease. It is simply information found through experience and/or research. Always follow the directives of a licensed health professional. Neither Anita Bastian or the publisher of the information takes any responsibility for actions readers take in regards to how they use or perceive the information. Readers are encouraged to do their own research.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made! Our bodies can put up with a lot! But why are so many people struggling? Is cognitive decline a natural part of aging?

There has been a spike in the number young adults in their twenties struggling with brain fog and fatigue. Memory care facilities are popping up all over the place!  Recent research shows that Alzheimer's starts 30-50 years before it is diagnosed.   It's important to learn what you can do now to prevent becoming a statistic.  

The U.S. has more than double the rate of people dying with Alzheimer's or dementia as compared to Italy, Japan, Russia, Brazil, Japan, Peru and MANY other countries according to this worldwide database.  (Source.)  Some estimate the rates of Alzheimer's or dementia will triple by 2050.

Let’s take a look at some facts related to cognitive function and decline. Then you decide whether or not cognitive decline is a natural part of aging.

FACT 1Your brain has an amazing ability to regenerate new cells and repair damaged cells when it is given the tools it needs.  We are not stuck with the current state of brain health.  We just need to know what nutrients or tools our brain needs.  


FACT 2: It is unlikely that genetics play a big role in cognitive decline.  According to Dr. Bruce Lipton (PhD), a leading researcher and professor in cellular biology, between 90-95% of our brain health is determined by environmental factors - not our genetics.  It's more about epigenetics.  (Factors above or beyond our genes that are affecting genetic expression.)  The  CDC acknowledge that, "epigenetics is how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work."


FACT 3: The brain produces BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) which can support the brain cells to survive after a cellular insult. (Source: ScienceDirect)  BDNF is a family of proteins that help repair, replace, and remove damaged cells or cell parts to optimize the brain's ability to recover and function.  Low BDNF is linked to various brain issues such as Alzheimer's, accelerated aging, poor neural development, neurotransmitter dysfunction, obesity, depression, and even schizophrenia." (Source: MentalHealthDaily) 


FACT 4The brain's ability to function is not unchangeable.  You can improve what you have or make it worse.  The science of neuroplasticity proved this years ago.  This neuroplasticity science proves that the brain has "the ability to form new connections and pathways, and to change the way it's circuits are wired."  Constant decline is not what has to happen. (Source: Bergland, 2017)


Neuroscientist, Dr. Caroline Leaf's work shows how our thoughts take up real estate in our brain and how negative thoughts form entangled white matter in the brain.  She explains how these tangles can be undone with healthy thoughts and thinking.  How we think can literally change our brain!  (Worry is a negative emotion that can create "brain tangles."  So, worrying actually makes problems worse.) 


FACT 5: Cognitive decline prevention strategies exist.  They involve using nutrition, physical movement, and mental activities to support brain function as shown by the University of Montreal (Science Daily.)  I would add that doing guided cellular detox is also a key strategy to protect and cognitive performance for the long-term.  


FACT 6:  The brain has a glymphatic system that supports the brain in removing toxins such as beta amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's and traumatic brain injuries.  (You can think of the glymphatic system as the brain's lymphatic system for the removal of waste products.)  There are natural tools we can use to support the body's ability to detox and remove damaged proteins and toxins that are impairing its function.  


FACT 7: Key B Vitamins and Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to dementia and cognitive struggles.  Many of the foods we eat are devoid of nutrients.  Knowing that deficiencies are connected to brain function issues can empower us to use natural tools to support function and find out why the person is deficient in these nutrients. This doesn't mean that reversing decline is as simple as throwing some vitamins at a person, but nutrient support is a part of the puzzle to consider.  (I definitely wouldn't run out and buy some cheap Vitamin B or D.  Quality and the best type for you really matters.  The goal is to help your body make its own Vitamin D, which is technically a hormone.)


FACT 8:  Vital neurotransmitters involved in brain function are mainly produced in the gut.  GABA and serotonin are both made by our gut microbiome (the bacteria in our gut).  If a person is experiencing digestive issues like gas, bloating, and constipation, it will impact the brain.  Environmental toxins or biotoxins in our food and water can cause imbalances in our microbiome that are linked to struggles with brain function.  One key to better brain performance is to remove the toxins that are causing the gut imbalance.  A healthier gut = A heathier brain.


So, you decide.  Does cognitive decline naturally come with age?  Once it starts, is it just going to keep getting worse?  


It makes me sad when I hear people say that he or she has dementia or Alzheimer's; and there's nothing we can do about it.  (Just expect things to get worse.)  You can believe that if you want to.  But I chose to believe we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We've just scratched the surface of what our amazing brains can do!  I have no doubt that many brain issues can be overcome when we sort out what the brain and body need to help the cells safely remove toxins and recover.  But that's just what I believe.  What do you believe? 

If you want help to sort out what is stressing your body and hindering your function, reach out. There are great options I can share with you! Connect.